
Downloading on Windows  or Mac

You may find that if you click on the download button, instead of downloading the mp3 it opens a media player in your browser. If this is the case you can try the following steps to download your tracks.

  1. Make sure you've clicked on the initial download button that takes you to your download area.

2. If you're using Windows then right click and if you're using a Mac Control+click on the orange download button and click 'Save Link As'. Then choose a name for the mp3 and hit save.

3. If you're on a Mac you can just click Command+click and it will automatically download the file without having to choose a name for it.

What To Do When The Media Player Opens

If you have the media player and track open, there is a way to download the file to your laptop from this point.

  1. Right-click somewhere in the media play timeline (or Control+Click)
  2. Choose the “Download Video As…” option from the popup menu

Downloading a track to Chrome

In Chrome you may get a different type of media player showing. If that is the case then follow these steps.

  1. Control click or right click on the media player
  2. Click Save audio as

Downloading a track to your Ipad

If you find that when you download a track to your Ipad it opens up a browser window with a media player - possibly your default browser is Safari - then you’ll need to do the following steps to have the physical audio file on your Ipad.

  1. Click on the share button in the top right hand corner of the browser
  2. Click ‘Save to file’
  3. You can then import your mp3 into your chosen app like Stagetraxx

If you can not find the save to file button then click on the “open in” icon and that will export the file for you.

Adjusting Your Web Browser Settings

These are some settings you can adjust in your web browser settings to allow mp3s to be downloaded immediately to your downloads folder