
Who are we?

Only the best acoustic backing track store ever! 

We're a little biased here but that's because we love what we do at Acoustic Backs And Tracks and that's making acoustic backing tracks for you. There's no magic formula to which songs we choose to create or how we create them but our signature sound focuses around the combination of piano and guitar. There's a delicate blend between backing track and performer and we do our best to make you stand out in a crowd.

Our team of talented musicians are active performers themselves and have years of experience accompanying vocalists and instrumentalists. We are constantly adding to our ever growing catalogue after launching in the summer of 2022. Our acoustic backing tracks are perfect for weddings, parties, corporate events, social media posts and to generally practise to.

Our aim is to provide acoustic backing tracks that are fun, emotional and get you and your audience excited. We hope you enjoy our tracks and please do check out our catalogue. If you feel there is something missing or you really want a particular track, just drop us an email and we'll work to get that featured in our store as soon as we can.

We answer your questions


How do I purchase a track?

Just add it to your basket. At checkout you'll need to create a login and then you're good to go. You can use a credit card, debit card or Paypal.

Can I save a purchase for later?

Yes. Just click the heart on the track you like and it will be saved in your favourites. You can then add it to the cart later.

Can I get a discount?

We're regularly doing discount deals depending on the month. Check out our website and Instagram page for all the latest discount offers.

I can't find the song I want, can I suggest a song?

Absolutely. We have multiple tracks in production on a weekly basis. If we like your suggestion it will get added to our production line and you may see it in the catalogue fairly quickly.

I want a custom track in a different key to the original. Can you do this?

Yes we can. Please contact us if you would like to request this. Generally speaking, custom songs include niche songs, mashups, different arrangements and keys.

Do I get a CD as well as an mp3 when I purchase my acoustic backing track?

We do not sell any physical CDs or albums on Acoustic Backs And Tracks, we only sell digital files which can be downloaded immediately after purchase. You can also get your mp3 file put onto a CD very easily using an online service provider.

How do I find out about all the latest track releases?

We have a weekly newsletter which lets you in on new products, latest releases and you even get an exclusive weekly discount as a newsletter subscriber.

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“Amazing backing tracks created with love for an acoustic setting. Perfect for solo gigs when playing without musicians for a more laid back set. Highly recommend.”

- Sami

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“Sheldon and his teams backing tracks are of exceptional quality, with a wide variety of songs available. The level of communication they provide is unmatched. The best in the business for sure!”

- Chelsea

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“I absolutely adore these acoustic backs and tracks. They have allowed me to offer a really lovely set if my client wants to book me solo for an event. Thanks Sheldon for creating beautiful arrangements of popular tracks.”

- Francesqua